Types of Meditations - A descriptive Guide.

I have actually divided the topic into two blog posts, this being the first of the two contains a description of different schools of meditation and the second one consists of what I think are the top 5 meditation techniques that you should follow!

This topic is probably the most diverse topic of all! There is a lot of confusion out there. Many people have asked me which type of meditation do you practice? I mean are they all really different!

so, here are the 'types of meditatons'

There are basically different ideologies about meditation. Indian tradition propagates different type of meditation techniques than budddhist monks. And now there is this morden meditation or something along those lines!

Indian Meditation Techniques:

Indian meditation focuses on the posture while meditating, the chants of aum, and the


There are mudras of hands, head, posture, and many other things!(I wont get into detail of every mudra and what does it do, because that is unnecessary and too diverse! Though I will make a separate article about them and link it here if anybody asks me in the comments!)

The meditation techniques include meditating in different mudras and chanting “aum” or other chants.

Concentrating on the breadth is also a type of meditation originating from Indian subcontinent.


There are meditations specific to opening the chakras of the body. It is believe that there are seven chakras in the body, and to open those chakras, the correct posture is required,

Buddhist meditation techniques:

Buddhist focus more on the brain, and perform different kinds of meditations like
  • Smantha
  • Metta
  • And other types of contemplative meditations
They have their own chantings and believe that the chanting can heal them.

Modern day meditations:

The meditation practice that has evolved over time looking at the other practices and become simpler in its sense is the modern meditation technique or mindfulness meditation. Though mindfulness meditation was also a part of Buddhist meditation ‘samantha’. But these meditation techniques have evolved. Do they work or not is yet to be found!

So, these were the "Types of meditations"

There are a lot of ways to meditate, some easy some hard, others worthless and fake. This post solely talked about different kinds of meditations and different ideologies/schools.Trying out different types and exploring different kinds of meditations is the only way through! And here is the list of top five meditation techniques that I think you should follow!

Keep spreading meditation! Keep doing meditation! And most important of al, keep motivating others to meditate!( you can also do that by sharing this blog to your friends ๐Ÿ˜Š!)

-A Mere Meditator

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