
My journey with Meditation

A normal guy who practices meditation daily and enjoys the process of sitting silently for minutes or sometimes hours. A student of Architecture, but lover of design, design in all its forms. This is who I am! A nobody!

So, let me tell you a little story about how I came across meditation and how it has immensely helped me in possibly every aspect of my life.

The Final year of school

Back in late 2017, the most important year of high school was just about to start.  The pressure was overwhelming. Everything depended on the grades of that year, the college, career, and future.

Since the time when I understood what architecture was, I was in love with it, probably because I was in love with design.

CEPT University, one of the best universities of India to pursue Architecture, and the best in Gujarat, where I live. So, it is no brainer that CEPT was the goal. But the grades required were a bit too high for my caliber. Early into the final year of school, I was desperate to find ideas to increase my memory, focus, and generate enough willpower to stick to the study table and read for days.

Headspace, a hope!

The first thing that comes to everyone’s mind in this situation is Google. And I was no different. I searched, I looked up to many articles, many Youtube videos, I found out so many tactics. But one thing was consistent among all. Some said it as the declutter exercise, others said it breathing exercise, while some said yoga and meditation.

I encountered Headspace! A brilliant app. (I am not getting paid! These are my own thoughts!) And what kept me to the app was the animations through which the 10-day free course was given by them. I tried it and I was really mesmerized.

Frankly speaking, during the first ten days, I just wanted to get some time away from the books, which was a major reason for me sticking to headspace for the first two to three days. But after the third or probably forth session, something changed. I wanted it more. I still can't figure out the reason for the craving for meditation. And I started re attending the same sessions twice or thrice
during a day.

Within no time the free sessions were over and I wanted more. So I tried other apps like Simple Habit, Insight Timer, and half a dozen more apps that gave either free trials or were completely free.

I watched more youtube videos, researched more about different types of meditation, watched more than a dozen documentaries and hour-long interviews. I was probably spending more time in researching than studying. But it didn’t matter!

About a month into meditation, I started trying unguided meditations and various other types. Some were comfortable while others took a little effort. And this was the time when the craze of meditation was wearing off me a little. But I had the reason to continue. I had CEPT in my mind and this goal of mine forced me to keep meditating.

The ups and downs

After about doing meditation for five months, I had to stop because the preliminary examinations were near and the nights were changing into long study sessions. Which left me sleep deprived and I could not meditate properly due to this. I stopped meditating for about two months.

Now here’s, where things get interesting. I never felt the change in me when I was meditating daily. But after a month of not meditating, I was able to see myself angrier or upset than I would like. Sometimes I was overwhelmed by emotions, I would cry due to less marks and really feel depressed.

Another reason of this emotional unbalance was the lack of sleep. I had changed my sleep schedule to only sleeping three to three and a half hours daily. But I stopped the sleep cycle because I would sleep studying.

I start meditating again after the prelims and with a month left for the finals. I meditated before going to give paper, I decided to give proper time to meditation.

And since then, I have been meditating daily and experimenting with different techniques and types of meditations. Different places, different times, different ideologies, I have encountered almost all of them.

A small Success

My life has seen lots of ups and downs, but the emotional unbalance that I felt back in the final year is never seen. I got admission into the college at a surprising eighth rank in the whole state! It took me a week to even digest that news!

But in today’s world, I see so many like me! Trying their best and failing due to one or the other reasons. Trying to focus, get sharper, and do a lot of things that can be accomplished by simply sitting silently for a few minutes a day.

The reason for a mere meditator is that anybody can achieve their goals in life if I can! And this is what I want to propagate! I have seen that people need examples! I am one of them. I will also talk about some great people who meditate on regular basis and what they have to say about this art. I will inspire you through the people from whom I got inspired! SO STAY TUNED!

And if you have any queries, any problems regarding meditation or basically anything! You can always share it with a nobody! A nobody who doesn't know you, and its merely an online presence for you. So open up completely. And most important of all, don't be shy!
Here’s my email id: meremeditator@gmail.com

-A mere Meditator

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