How to stop worrying and start meditating! Beginners Guide to Meditation.

Whether you are a newbie to meditation or have been trying meditation techniques, the blog will help you deepen your knowledge of meditation and also tell you some tricks, implementing which to your meditation practice, would increase the gains from meditation and also make the process more enjoyable!
So, let's get to the core of the topic, that is 'Beginners Guide to Meditation'
For People starting fresh:
For the people who are starting really fresh on Meditation, I just want to tell you one thing, be consistent! There are a few things as important as being consistent in meditation. If you find it hard to be consistent in your practice
So how to meditate?
Just sit down (or stand or sleep😊), close your eyes (just so that nobody can distract you), and observe!
Yes! You did it. No need of timers, no need of postures, no gimmicky tools, no yoga
mats, no nothing! Just you!
This is the essence of meditation. However, according to me, you should start this way:
- Find a place, usually calm at first. BUT NOT YOUR BED! Never associate a place where you sleep to a place where you meditate.
- Remove things from your body that might distract you, like your phone, smartwatch, socks, spectacles, hairbands, and anything that is unnecessary. Believe me! once you will sit to actually meditate, these things will distract you in ways you might not have imagined!
- Put a timer for about 5 to 10 minutes, better start with 5(baby steps are better!).
- Keep your phone in DND.
- Take a few deep breaths to calm your body.
- Breathe in through nose, out through mouth.
- Slowly close your eyes after about 30 seconds into meditation (but don’t look at the timer!)
- Observe everything! Your breadth, your body, the honking vehicles passing by, the fan, the birds, everything!
- After the bell rings on your phone, don’t suddenly stand up and start telling everybody that you meditated! Just slowly open your eyes (or keep them closed until you are tired), observe what you were observing with your eyes closed.
- Observe how your brain feels. Stretch your legs and arms, yawn if you wish! Stand up and go about the rest of your day with a refreshed mind!
There are many ways to meditate, which I have talked about here.
So, now you know how to meditate and decide to shut this post and try it right now! Well
well hold on! Excitement ruins the game sometimes.
Here are 5 tips that I would have loved to know when I started!
- Don’t go for long hour sessions. I can’t stress enough that doing long hours of meditation is extremely difficult if you are a beginner and it will surely demotivate you. Start with baby steps. Meditating 5 to 10 minutes for you first 10 days is more than enough!
- Make it a habit. Everything is possible if you turn it into a habit. According to the famous author of ‘The Power of Habit’ Charles Duhigg, doing a thing daily at the same time for 21 days will make it a habit! You can try that for sure! Want to know more about making meditation a habit? Tell me in comments, and I will make a detailed article talking about the topic.
- Don’t panic. ‘Am I doing it right?’ ‘Is thing meditation thing even working?’ ‘Oh! Its just a waste of time!’ No. Its not! But it is probably not working because you are wasting your time worrying rather than sitting silently. Push every thought aside. (this doesn’t mean try to stop thoughts!) concentrate on one thing.
- Start easy. Not going for long hours meditating is one thing, but you also need to start easy on your postures. You can sit or stand or sleep or be in any position while meditating! It is an exercise for the brain and no for the body!
- Group meditate. Believe me on this one! Meditation practice with a friend or a group or your partner becomes habit more easily than doing it alone. Motivation is the biggest outcome of group meditation! But choosing a correct partner or friend or group is even more important. Choosing a wrong person and forcing him to meditate so that you get company will do nothing but demotivate you! So choose right!
So, this was the "Beginners Guide to Meditation"Ready for you first meditation session? Go ahead! Don’t be afraid of anything! It's just a process that unfolds itself once you start! Comment down below if you have any problems starting with meditation.
Also, in the upcoming posts, I will talk about some apps that I followed and tell you the difference between guided and unguided meditations.
Until then, keep trying, keep meditating, you are doing it right!
-A Mere Meditator